Thursday 20 March 2014

Why Indian Elections 2014 are not going to change anything in India ?

Why Indian Elections 2014 are not going to change anything in India ?

  • India is the largest Democracy in the world.The 2014 elections will be the biggest elections ever seen in the world bigger than U.S.A .Also the second most populous country in the world after China.In my points below i would explain to you about why Indian elections is just a show like any Broadway or movies you see .
  • Any government who stays for too long we as people in a democratic country gets bored with it .It is not about the Multi-million scams or the weak leadership ,as we humans for eg if we start eating the same food every day we will try to change our food as it will become bland for us .In simple words humans need change .
  • If you are an Indian ever heard of what development and progress  our politicians are talking about while giving speeches to paid audiences .Well they are attacking each other criticizing about each others shortcomings two of the biggest parties in India while one is romanticizing about the past  ,the other is riding on a leader who like fairy-tale is going to solve every problems of India. Though we don't know what happens in future call me pessimistic or skeptic most of the politicians are not bothered about solving them rather creating new ones or are too naive to even understand the real threats we are facing in terms of inflation ,economic deficit ,unemployment etc.
  • The money that will be spent on Elections have you ever wondered where does this huge amounts of money come from .I am not talking about some lakhs or crores but thousands of crores will be spent.Well all those scams you people have heard of where does all those money goes well this is where all is spent .Some financial estimates in newspapers says the budget expenditure of Indian elections will be bigger than U.S.A .Now you may say that India is a large populous country but we are talking here in rupees and not dollars .
  • Lastly , India is in need of reforms badly if this goes on for longer time we may turn out to be 2nd Zimbabwe of Asia though we all know the parties are going to take populist measures to appease the common man or in simple words giving pain killer to the mass after coming to pwer .So as citizens of India lets hope for the best .     

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