Sunday 23 March 2014


Anarchy has more than one definition.Most of the time Anarchy is intended to describe political  disorder or lawlessness within a society.As technology has developed so has governments of so called democratic republic or federal states have developed to such an extent that today they have started to control the lives of its people , yes the very people who gave them that power. Excuses given by them in the form of National Security , Protection of its people etc.

Recent leaks by Edward Snowden has shown us how our every move is being watched .This is not particular to U.S.A but all the countries .Putting a blame on U.S.A is wrong .As every country does that , the fact is they have not been caught red handed .

We should remember Freedom is free and our birthright, anybody who says it differently is trying to sell you something .We have evolved ourselves into civilized people .And we as so called civilized people are happy at what ever is being sold to us .The media is a full baggage of false propoganda ,our politicians sell us hope.If we look at history you will know that it was never for the people .The King changed into an President or Prime Minister .Policies have always been pro-rich and always will be .

We are drugged to believe in a false sense of security ,patriotism ,liberty and so called freedom .From our childhood we are programmed to go into the straight road and less toward deviant thinking .The soldiers who fight a war for their nation are forgotten people though  films are made and much accolade is given to the stars but what about the real ones.The purpose of what we do really is not what we want rather what some want us to do .We are conditioned to believe it.

Lastly,  we need an awakening not in the spiritual sense but to see the reality behind all the crap we take everyday.We should remember Governments should fear people ,  not vice-versa otherwise it is the end of democracy.

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