Wednesday 7 January 2015

Does Consent in a contract really matter ? Some insights for law students .....

The meaning of the term consent according to Webster’s II New College Dictionary is “voluntary allowance of what is planned or done by another”[1].The dictionary further defines voluntary as “arising from ones own free will” [2].
Firstly.the definition raises questions like the meaning of autonomous choices before the decision counts as a consent?.Secondly, what does “voluntary” mean if the necessary information to make the decision is not there? .In order to what has been identified as “informed consent” which means the consent that reflects an individual’s free will certain conditions have to be fulfilled .
In Indian contract act, Section 10 defines free consent an essential requirement of a contract. Section 14 of Indian contract act says that consent is said to be free when it is not caused by coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation and mistake. The contract becomes voidable at the option of the party whose consent was so caused. Here coercion may be referred  to as when a person threatens another person in order to gain consent.Undue influence is unlawful control by one person over another in order to obtain compliance.The wilfull misrepresentation or concealment of material facts of a contract leading to persuasion of a party to enter a contract leads to a fraud .Misrepresentation of certain  facts pertaining to a material matter on which one party relied leads to a void contract .A mistake leading to a significant change in the subject matter of the contract leads to a void contract.But clerical errors or mistakes in computation leading to an error in judgement will not lead to a void contract.
Currently consent centric approach to contract has led to problems despite courts enforcing them .Which again questions the existence of a truly voluntary consent?. Contract laws have relied on consent to justify its choices with one party over another .Courts rely on observable evidences to ascertain whether parties consented to it or not .The courts in order to ascertain the existence of consent has adopted certain objective approaches to help them in their task as the consenters mind cannot be read.Under this objective approach it is seen whether a reasonable man looking at the disclosure would have understood the intent to be[3]  .The reason behind the objectivity is to protect certainity in contracts and other party’s reliance on the promosors’s disclosure[4].
The objective approach helps in two different ways first certainity in a contract and secondly predictability of contract.It leads to certainity in contracts as the parties can rely on contractual agreements .It encourages individual responsibility as one has to think carefully before signing a contract since one will be held responsible for ones actions .However due to its importance on outward disclosure it may lead to consent even though there was no meaningful consent.Market manipulation of information has led to consent without any meaningful consent[5]  .
Contract law’s focus on the consent based approach has frequently led to enforcing agreements without meaningful consent .The concept of consent can be easily manipulated ,which leads to its complexity .The signature on a written document cannot be presumed to reflect the will when the other party has manipulated the information.Marketplace manipulation targeting human biases is strongly reflected in todays times.
Traditional concept of consent based approach is not feasible in todays situation where there is an increasing use of standard form of contracts and cyberspace contracts .Current Contract law defences with its consent centric approach has been unable to solve the fundamental problems of power imbalance helps .Current contract law defences helps in sustaining this imbalance.
Todays cyberspace transactions where a user has to just click on “Ok” button to adhere to the agreement without reading the terms indicating acceptance of the terms .In this scenario it is difficult to understand whether informed consent exists or not. The consent based approach has clearly come into conflict with practises that don’t seem consensual [6].
But cyberspace contracts are here to stay[7].If a court is true to the consent based approach it has to strike down the cyberspace contracts due to the lack of consent.This would lead to large number of cyber space contracts not to be upheld .Cyberspace commerce which relies on this contracts would not be able to progress.
Todays contract law defenses are partly able to address the defects of consent based approach.Consent is detrimental to Contract law goals as identified by various scholars which are reducing opportunistic behaviour,reducing transactional costs  and promoting efficient exchanges[8] .But consent based approach actually increases the opportunistic behaviour.Till the time the parties know that a contract can be enforced as long as the other party signs the contract ,parties are motivated to manipulate the information to gain consent.
Increased transactional causes may also occur due to lack on trust between people where multiple contingencies have to be provided .It happened to after the subprime mortgage in USA where contractual parties sued each other.
Contract law’s  goal of efficiency is seriously undermined  by the consent based approach as enforceability of contracts without informed decision making  leading to problems.
Thus consent centric approach is unfair on people who are in not a good position to help themselves ,well informed or endowed with resources and not much educated specially in India.So there should be an alternative to a consent centric approach.
A totality of circumstances test based approach may be very useful and flexible than consent based approach .Intead of trying to ascertain whether individual consented or not it is better to examine the multiple circumstances surrounding the entire transaction  before enforcing a contract.This has been applied in multiple circumstances by the court also utilizing its strength in fact finding.
Courts have often used the totality of circumstances in issues of criminal law where consent of the accused is in question.But the question here is can the totality of circumstances test work in contract law .The answer is simple instead of searching for the validity of an inviduals consent the court will look into multiple factors to determine whether a contract is enforceable or not .In short consent will become a factor for analysis.for example whether a reasonable man would have consented to the contract if he had understood the terms of the contract under the given circumstances.Whether the terms of the contract were reasonable?.It is a very logical and honest test helping in finding the legitimacy of the contract in question.
One of the goals of contract law is to reduce exploitation.The consent centric approach opposes this goals which further increases the perception that government is helping and giving undue advantage to the rich and powerful.
Another approach from consent centric approach may be no retraction principle.Normally in contract law a parties willingness to enter an agreement can freely retract till the other party has not accepted the terms offered free without any cost . Under no retraction principle  retraction is not free most importantly when the other party relied on the proposal .The offeror who revokes the offer has to reimburse the offeree certain amount incurred after the offer was made.Under this principle the negotiating partners have greater security incase someone walk out of it .Also helps in increasing the trust level between the negotiating parties.Also helps in avoding concurrent bids from multiple parties.
Lastly ,under non-retraction rule non-conforming communications  like counter offers or concurrent proposals do not cancel out instead are baselines for other each party that sets for the other part to accept[9] .Leading to a contionous process in essence and justifying a converging liability regime.Thus for example a counter offer is not deemed as a rejection but as a basis for a reverse option.
Thus the consent centric approach suffers from too many disadvantages in todays world as economic relationships have become complex and there is much manipulation in the market. Consent has become very elusive and difficult to define therefore consent centric approach no longer serves the purpose .If consent based approach is continued exploitation of less powerful parties will continue in an economic relationship which will only further the notion that government and law in India are for the rich and powerful. In simple terms those who can afford it.


[1] Webster’s II New College Dictionary 245 (3d edition 2005).
[2] Id at 1267.
[3] Mautner,Supra note 4, at 551
[4] Perillo , Supra note 67, at 442-43
[5] Radin, supra note 10 , at 1128
[6] Radin, Supra note 10, at 1128
[7] ProCD,86 F.3d at 1451
[8] TREBILCOCK,Supra note 7,at 16-17